1974 A Series Opel Manta Blog

The Opel Project blog has been setup to record the rebuild of my 1974 A Series Opel Manta.
1974 A Series Opel Manta Blog
Opel Manta A Series Cardinal Red color match | Standox - Standofleet R2/R185

Paint Color

I thought i would post the color I’m painting the car in case anyone else is looking for this color. As far as I’m aware the original Opel color was Cardinal Red, but the paint company could not find this in a paint system I used so they go their spectrometer on the wing and came up with a match of Standox – Standofleet R2/R185 As you can see from the color chip its a spot-on match for the original color that it was painted 🙂

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Opel Manta A Series 2K solid red

And finally we are in paint!!

Well, its been a bust and slightly frustrating week this week, but we are finally in paint! I decided not to buy a compressor but to hire one, well that was a mistake! I booked from Tuesday 21st off for the week and had the compressor turn up first thing Tuesday and the weather was stunning! So I cranked it up so I could test the new Devilbiss FLG-G5 out and after the initial filling up of the tank, I connected the gun and started to have a play around with it. Then when the compressor kicked back in to…

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Opel Manta A Series in Upoxy super etch

Sanding, sanding, sanding…

So the never-ending sanding continues!! I have just gone over a few bits with the Upoxy super etch primer. This is a bit like a high build primer and etch combined, so I’m hoping that on some of the panels that don’t need too much work I can get away with a couple of coats of this and a light sand before the topcoat. The nose cone, boot lid and bonnet will need a couple of coats of 2K high-build primer as well as they were quite rough and need a fair bit of sanding. Hopefully i can get all…

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New paint gun

I had a very old Devilbiss JGA gun that i used to paint the car originally and had planned to use this but as it had been sat in the loft for years and after a quick test it didn’t seem to give a great spray pattern i decided that rather than mess about with it and try to get it painting properly i would just opt for getting a new gun. After a fair but of reading up and youtube videos the Devilbiss FLG-G5 1.4 came out with very good reviews for the price and for painting 2K solid…

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The Bodywork Prep Begins!

Now its time to start on the bodywork! I popped over to the local paint supplier the other day and they managed to match colour of the Cardinal Red as it was not listed anymore. So I’m all ok for the topcoat when I’m ready. I picked up the etch primer and a few other bits so I can now start prepping and filing the bodywork, with the plan to have as much as I can finished by the end of August and then hopefully get painting in September.

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Cobra Le Mans Reclining Sport Seat fitted to Opel manta A Series

OOH, New Seats!

Although the Cobra Dayton seats were super comfortable and did everything I needed, I decided it was time for a change and something a little different, so I want for something a little bit more old school! Sticking with Cobra’s I went with the Cobra Le Mans Reclining Sport Seat. These again are super comfortable but a bit slimmer, they don’t have the harness slots but have headrests so I can slide the belts through these and keep the same sort of feel it just looks a bit more old school ford now 🙂 Being a slimmer seat it gives…

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Getting ready for the new seats!!

The new seats arrived yesterday, so it was time to give the interior a little bit of love before I put the seats in. So I totally stripped the interior and gave it a good clean and hover and then started adding everything back in, nice new mats fitted as well!. Tomorrow its time to fit the rearview mirror, door handles, chrome trim around the inside lock and then the new seats and back in with the seatbelts. That will be the interior all finished! After that its paint!!

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Interior, Lights

Some goodies from Opel GT Source!

Now we are all up and running with the Opel its time to finish the interior off and then start to work on the body. I did the interior a long time ago so it does not need too much doing but I did find some nice new parts on the Opel GT Source site that I just had to have! New door handles and a nice new rearview mirror arrived last week along with some NEW rear split lenses that they have started to have remanufactured! so these will go perfectly with the new set of inner lights that…

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CIH Engine

First Oil & Filter Change

So it was time for the first Oil & Filter change today – 58043 miles on the clock (I don’t think that is the original mileage 🙂 Filled her up with Vavoline VR1 20w – 50 oil and some of the COMP CAMS Break-in additive as recommended by the engine builder. Now we can have a bit of full power mode to see how she goes and then hopefully later in the year if we don’t enter another lockdown i might be able to get up to Northampton Motorsport for a final full power run and tune-up, fingers crossed!!

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CIH Engine

All run in, time for an oil change!!

I have been running about in the Opel these last few months on any trip I can (to get the shopping, click and collect etc..) to get enough miles on her so everything is all run in and now I can change the break-in oil for some proper stuff. I’m going with the Valvoline VR1 Racing 20W-50 and some zinc additive to protect the cam. I will also be giving everything a check over just to check nothing has worked loose or moved while I have been running about.

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