The plan is to slowly build up the head and finish off the motor so its ready around the end of March/start of April, when the weather should be better and i can plan the time in to get it all fitted and started up properly.
So that leaves me with a bit of time to get the interior totally sorted out. As the weather has been good this weekend and the sun is out (after the last few snowy days!) i thought it would be a good idea to removed the interior and give it a good clean.
So out with the seats, seat belts and carpets. I gave the carpets a good wash down with the hose to get out all the dust and bits and left them on the line to day and by the end of the day they were almost dry enough to go back in. Im going to give the seats a good clean and re-glue the fabric on the bases as over time the fabric seems to have come away from the foam and now rucks up a bit.
When the carpets are dry i will pop those in, the back seats are all ready back in as they didn’t need a clean and once the fronts are clean they will go back in and the new Sabelt harnesses will go in as well.
I also bought a set of these pedals so it will be good to get these fitted before the seats go back in.

UPDATE: Clutch and brake pedals now all fitted and i will sort the accelerator pedal when the mounting bracket turns up.
Carpets are now all back in and i have cleaned the seats, but the bases need one more go over as they were quite dirty from where i have been working on things and not had seat covers on them! But as soon as they are nice and clean they will be going back in.
I also have the NEW Sabelt full harnesses all fitted and ready for the seats, so its all coming together nicely. Just a few trim bits to clean and that’s the interior all done. Time to mock up the block and see how the steering is going to work out.

And the Accelerator pedal is now all installed 🙂